I can't believe my senior year is kicking my ass -- but at last, Spring Break. I'll be home for one more day, then off to Philadelphia with my traveling partner, Jess. We'll be looking at prospective apartments in the area for after graduation and feeling up the town (sexually) to see what we think about living there. I'm excited but as always, apprehensive. Money is a huge factor, as I have close to none, and even larger of an issue and directly impacting the first: getting a job. Luckily, with the help of ma mère, I'm hitting up all the sites I can to find job openings and places to send my resumé. Lots of opportunities lost in a dark cloud of anxiety.
I've also realized I never followed up on my trip to New York City with Jess and her sister, Melli, to see the one-and-only Hawksley Workman. We had front row seats at a small table in a candle-lit speakeasy-like room, the stage within arms length - thanks to Melli's advanced reservation despite the fact we were very late.
After the show, we lingered for a while outside Hawksley's dressing room. It may sound creepy, but it paid off - he and his accompianist/vocalist, Mr. Lonely, asked us if we would like to join them at the bars. Sure I was cranky and tired and needed to get back to State College, but who could pass this up? After another wait at a bar downtown, thinking they had blown us off, in walked Hawksley and the gang. Catching me completely off guard, he offered a drink and brought back (Insert drink of choice here). Over in another corner of the bar, Jess and Mr. Lonely hit it off right away as Melli entertained the drunk 40 something groupies who had stumbled in the bar with Hawksley's troupe.
Looking back on it and describing the experience pretty terribly, it seems unreal. What do you say to someone who you listen to belt out beautiful songs that bring you to the verge of tears just walking to class in the morning? All I can say is that I feel very fortunate to be able to have these experiences - they're all parts of a whole to me, and I hope to have millions of them to reflect upon by the time I die. I view even this simple trip to Philadelphia as one of those experiences as well.
Before I get on the death kick, I'd like to suggest another Francophile musician, Jeanne Cherhal. Two favorites of mine from her album are Voilà and Ma vie en l'air. Her music is fun like Camille's, so check her out.
Also, speaking of Camille, I found some other hilarious songs of hers (one is the music video below): Money Note and Gospel With No Lord. I might've mentioned them before, but there you have it again.
Lastly, I discovered Charlotte Gainsbourg, a stunningly attractive French musician. Be sure to listen to Little Monsters (it's in English!) and The Operation. Aside from singing, Gainsbourg also stars in several movies, one of which is with Johnny Depp, Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants. I've never heard of it, but I'm renting it as soon as I can.
Netflix sent me yet another good one. I'm currently watching Munich - très spectaculaire. I was surprised to see some actors I knew, among them Daniel Craig, Geoffrey Rush and the ever-suave Ciàran Hinds. (I couldn't find the right accent on the "a" !) The movie is based on the hostage situation during the Olympics in Munich in....1973(?) and the aftermath as four Jewish men are sent on a mission to get revenge on each of the "terrorists". Check it out, it's worth it.
Tomorrow's a big day, so I'll save Turkey for yet another day!
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