- Do not wear a hat in a village as it is considered an insult to a chief.
- Do not wear shoes into people's houses.
- It is considered an insult to touch someone's head.
- Speak softly. Raised voices are interpreted as expressing anger.
- Be cautious with praise. If you show too much liking for an object, then the Fijians will feel obliged to give it to you as a gift, whether they can afford to or not.
From everything I read, however, Fijians seem to be some of the friendliest people in the world.
The women of Namuana are all dressed in mourning
Each carries a sacred club each tattooed in a strange pattern
Do rise to the surface Raudalice so we may look at you
Do rise to the surface Tinaicoboga so we may also look at you.

Watched Goodbye, Lenin with Colleen today. I give it 4 out 5 stars. Interesting plot, decent acting, but a little long and drawn out.
While I'm still working on Warlords and can't wait to get to Soldat, I couldn't resist swiping my sister's book, The Kite Runner. I hear it's pretty interesting - based on a teenager's life in Afghanistan. (Or at least that's what I was told)
Still haven't made my German desserts - might attempt them tomorrow depending on whether or not I go back to State College.

Also, I was reading newsweek and found this: "Tone-deaf GOP-chair candidate Chip Saltsman mails out a CD with a song titled, 'Barack the Magic Negro.' Still don't get why you lost, guys?" Rated as "truly undignified," while I rate it utterly retarded. Nice one...Chip.
Chip in all his glory
"Tastes like a hospital!"
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