Wondering where in the world Fiji is? If you're familiar with Indonesia and the thousands of islands speckling the vast Pacific Ocean, you'll get a general idea of where this small paradise is. If not, the map should definitely help. (Faintly circled in the very bottom right corner)
Surrounded by coral reef, the islands of Fiji were the result of volcanic activity and sit atop a submerged platform.
Originally named Viti by its inhabitants, Fiji is composed of over 300 islands and was once known as the "Cannibal Isles," a threatening label given by its ancestors.
In fact, some time in the mid 1800s, Reverend Baker of the Methodist Church, excited for the potential spread of Christianity to the Pacific islands, was eaten by the natives. Needless to say, it wasn't his religion they found all too appealing.
Today, of course, it's much different.
Fiji lovo feast! I found this great site on what exactly a Fijian lovo feast (lovo meaning "earth oven") is and even how to have one! Dig in!
Completely unrelated to Fiji, I found a brilliant article in the New York Times today describing Kyoto's celebration of Lady Murasaki and her most famous piece of literature, The Tales of Genji, popularly considered to be the world's first novel. If you're familiar with the game, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego, this character plays a role in capturing one of Camen's henchmen. However, the game also does a good job illustrating the valuable legacy Murasaki (which is merely a nickname) left behind.
Check out Michelle Green's article on the experience here!

Fiji bottled water is also a core concern among scientists and the locals. This "natural artesian water" bottled for our convenience not only causes problems with recycling, but also saps fresh drinking water from the Fiji native's own back yards. While the locals are deprived of their own water, the coastline, too, suffers a great deal. You can read the details on these sites:
True Price of Fiji Water
Will Fiji Step Up in 2009?
Bottled Insanity

Also, saw Valkyrie last night. Excellent, excellent movie! Loved Eddie Izzard's role in it. Brilliant. I'm glad we still have intelligent historical movies coming out.
Next movies in theatres I'm intending to see:
The Spirit
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Keanu Reeves being a trade-off)
Bedtime Stories (stupid, but looks like a fun movie)
The Unborn (I need a scary movie)
About to watch: (Thanks, Netflix)
Goodbye, Lenin!
Blame It On Fidel
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Try these sites...real cool info here.....http://www.shvoong.com/social-sciences/psychology/1855425-lives-masters/