The universe is awesome. Eddie
Izzard would agree with that. (Though I love a good hot dog every now and then.) Even the earth's moon, something we see nearly every night, is unfathomable. In order to equal the distance it would take to get to the moon, you would have to travel around the earth nearly nine times! Also, one lunar day on the moon equals 29.5 Earth days. (The moon is tidally locked to the Earth, so our gravity drags the moon
d on its axis and the same side of the moon always faces Earth) Pulled that word-for-word off of Thanks Dr.
Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.! While we may not marvel at the pockmarked Artemis -- as the Greeks referred to it -- looming far away in the night sky, there are a billion other wonders floating around in the unknown frontier that is space.
Unfortunately, I don't have the capacity to get into that right now, partly because I've been disappointed by my two replacement shows, Weeds and Six Feet Under, and partly because I just don't care at the moment!
For now, here's our favorite mule, who I call Crazy Horse the Flatulent. Lick 'em, Crazy!
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