Sunday, June 14, 2009


Damn the times! Though I only managed to drag my sorry ass out of bed at two this afternoon, I did hit the pavement for a good hour and got some fresh air while I was at it. Being that my contract lasts until August anyhow, I'm making the best I can staying here in State College for the summer. I can see, however, that I'm not the only one getting down about the fact. It's a nice place to live - even the drunk pretty frat boys are bearable and sometimes add a nice flair to this pristine college town - but it's also fairly isolated and suffocating. So, while I praise it for it's natural beauty and debauched glory, I'm ready to get out. Weis is...well, my entry from yesterday covers that pretty well. On top of that, my projects are at a standstill. Two days remain for my bottle cutter set and Allah help me if sellers e***p or u***t get their hands on it. It also looks as if though I may have to get my own hands dirty again: my Basil wilted in the overpowering sun today. While there's still a chance it might pull through, I have ready a list of names of people to blame for this setback. I'll add as I see fit throughout the course of the day:

Heater, and by proxy, the rest of Canada
Colleen Masula
Toby Keith
Tom Hanks
Ben Stiller
The Pillsbury Doughboy (Giggling like he knows something. Stupid fatty.)
The North Koreans
Everyone from Texas
Joe Biden's advisor
That lady with the food stamps giving me a hard time at Weis yesterday
Josh Brown (For not having tea with me or teaching me how to knit)
Lady Gaga
Orson Welles

You may be confused about the last one. Then again, you could just be stupid. Tonight: Looking for a place to live and perfecting my resume to send to every employer on the Eastern coast. Well, let's just go with everywhere and anyone who will accept me at this point.

For now, check out this video of Beirut and their song, Nantes. Thanks, Heather! I miss the crap out of you! (I actually recommend the other video on YouTube if you'd like to see the band - they play on trash cans, so it's worth the loss of sound quality.)


  1. Canada will win this battle and this war- Also check out the band Beirut (Nantes in partic).
    miss you.

  2. isn't it great! i love that video! The cool part is that whole album is named for cities across Europe so it's like a backpacker's CD. It's wicked.
    Miss you too sugarlumps.

  3. what?!?! why am I on there?? tea this week? Thursday? Friday? Saturday?
