Last night, my roommate and I stayed up until 7 in the morning talking, watching videos, listening to music and just having a chill hangout in my room. We touched upon so many subjects and interesting tangents, but what I really enjoyed was our talk of being in the city and all of our accomplishments since we arrived here at 2F Cooper. We've been to swanky and posh (and not-so-swanky-and-posh- press events, had our fill of the subway system day in and day out, and have seen and done some great things. There are oodles of things we have yet to do, and once Spring and Summer hit, our lives will really be in full swing.
I recalled some of my experiences while exploring the city, and realized just how much I've taken for granted here in New York: the sightseeing my sister and I did over Thanksgiving break, the Brooklyn excursions Scott and I would go on during weekends and the live concerts I've been fortunate enough to attend outside of work purposes. Just last night, Scott and I went to see Eddie Izzard live at Madison Square Garden. The tickets weren't cheap, but it was the fir

st time I had been in the Garden and, on top of my own historical visit, Mr. Izzard is the first comedian to have performed in the arena! I think to myself now how significant that is and how great it was to have been there for it. Soon, Kathy Griffin will take the stage there, and while it's incredible that we're here and can experience that, too, we shrug and "consider" the possibility. This mentality really hit us both: We're
living in city, we work here and these things are great, but have to jive with our schedules.
It'll be fun to see what the next few months will bring and as we start hitting warmer weather. We're all over the cold, the rain, the snow. For now, though, I'm having an amazing time and couldn't have asked for better friends with whom I can live it up!